Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Seminar on Language and Literature-Title Submission

As agreed, this week you will submit your topic for your thesis proposal. If you have a couple of topics in mind, but are not sure which one is the most interesting and workable, you may submit 2-3 topics. To do this, just click comment !


Indahpurwa's World said...

Mam...i give u two tentative topics. the second one is from u..i don't know..i'm still confused, like in the middle of sth blured...

A. Mariam’s Rebellion as a Reflection of Afghan Women’s Liberation in
Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns

1.What kind of domestic Violence Mariam suffered?

2.How Mariam reacts toward domestic violence she suffered?

3.What factors influence Mariam’s rebellion?

B. Pauline’s Self-Denial as the Effect of White Beauty Product Advertisement in
Toni Morrison’s Bluest Eye

1.How Pauline reacts to white beauty product advertisement as a Black woman?

2.How Pauline’s self denial revealed in Bluest Eye?

3.What factors cause Pauline’s self denial?

4.What the effects of Pauline’s self denial?

imakuni? said...

good day ma'am..

no big chit-chat..
this is my title:

1.The Maturity of Alice in Lewis Caroll's Alice in the Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

2. The Manifestation of Seven Deadly Sins in Oscar Wilde's Dorian Gray

what say you ma'am?

one more thing ma'am...

i still have no idea about the differentiation between theory and quotation...

thank u so much...

tons of God's bless for u..

Indra Kusuma

veny gunadi said...

i'm confused wheater i choose linguistic or literature...

but i already have a title for literature skripsi...

1. Chantal Prym's internal conflict as an effect of stranger in Paulo Coelho's The Devil and Miss Prym..

what do you think mam?

thank you

azhar wal badr said...

Ma'am, actually i am still confused what novel i should analize.but when I browsing in the internet i found novel tittled "a potrait of the artist as a young man".and i got the tittle like this "the study of stephen dendalus's rebelion againts the catolic religion in James joyce's a potrait of the artist as a young man"
what do you think ma'am
badruddin al azhari

Indah Rosenerry's Zone said...

Mam, this is my title in seminar class. I hope it also can be the title of my thesis

"compare study of ambitions in two kinds by amy tan and my oedipus complex by frank o' connor"

what do you think? thank you

Anonymous said...

It's me PUTRI IKA RAHAYU (062154037)

1. sexuality in "Saman by Ayu Utami"
2. self confusion in saman character in "saman"

Actually, in the second theme I want to choose why saman leave his faith as a priest turn into human act ivies. but I don't know how to choose a word to describe my theme.

Thanks Ma'am...

Ma'am It's me NOFIA NURTA NINGSIH (062154042)

1. sexual disorder in "the reader"
2. social states between the two main character in "the reader"

million thanks to you...

Lisma Cristianti said...

Good afternoon..
Ma'am this is the title i got

The polygamy of Merril Jessop in Escape by Carrolyn Jessop and Laura Palmer

what's your opinion of it?

FieR_p0eNya said...

this is the title of mine...

1. Sacrifice in "Pearl Harbor"
2. Disparagingly and with affection on Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer.

what do u think??
which one do u think the best??

thank you.

-Fierna Septiana-

gandung.restiko said...

would it be possible if I work on
a short story ma'am???

if it's yes, would it be nice if I got myself hooked up with "the man who send rain cloud"? if it's wouldn't meet your request could you help me a bit...mg

gandung.restiko said...

well maam you're the man..It's me, the big fat lousy and lazy kid who walkin in this world maam..The one and only, el magnifico HANGGORO DWI SASONGKO.
Maam,it's rather hard for me to lean my self comfortably on literature or linguistics. but, i get one title which I get from writing 4 class, "American Awearing word study on 8 Mile movie script".
Again, i Can't get my own Path to walk on in this campus life, so i get my back up title, "the loneliness of gollum in The Lord of The Ring".
maam, could you give me one or two novel or short story which suitable for me to discuss about loneliness and rebellion mam?
I do really need your wisdom maam..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wike.novianti.ngeblog said...

Good mornin maam...
Wike noviantiningsih 062154048
i want to submit some of my topics for my thesis proposal
1. The study of incest in phillipa gregory's The Other Boleyn Girl
2. The relationship symbol between edward, bella, and jacob in stephanie meyer's The Twilight Saga
3. The symbol of bella's dream in stephanie meyer's the twilight saga

Mita Asmira 062154041
1.Hanna's sexual disorder in Benhard Schlink's "the reader"
2.The cause of Hanna's disorientation in Benhard Schlink's "the readEr"
3.White beauty standard in "the bluest eyes" with semiotics

thank you maam...

Anonymous said...

ma'am,I'm RESTY AYUNINGRUM (062154047)

i have tentative title for my thesis
- Visual Semiotics Analysis of cigarette advertisement.

are my topic is too wide ma'am????

actually, I'm not sure with those topic or title but i love the topic.

what do you think ma'am????


ma'am, I'm FRANSISCA EKA (062154040)

my tentative title:
-A Study of African-American English's Dialect in Toni Morrison's Sula.

thank you ma'am.

Ika Yanoewa-reesta said...

Ika Yanuarista said...
To tell U d'truth that I'm still confused in choosing literature and linguistic, moreover after I knew about your offering in analyzing white beauty standard in the bluest eye.
However, I have had one title in my mind after saw a movie entitled "The Hours". That is "Women's style of communication in The Hours movie",revealing the idea that women could be a disclosure feature, and sometimes being close-minded as showed in the way she communicates.

If you're allowed me, I am very interested in analyzing white beauty standard in the bluest eye using semiotics theory.
Statement of problem:
What are the symbol, index, and icon showing white beauty standard?
How the appearance of white beauty standard?

Thank you so much for U'r attention..

dheoink2star said...

Good day ma’am....
My name is Dian Anggraeni, English literature student. (062154247)
Actually I still confused what novel and movie I should analyze because I still not sure I choose linguistic or literature. But I hope my decision to take these two titles could be the title of my thesis later….

1. The change of Josh Hartnett as Matt Sullivan’s life on movie “40 days 40 nights”

2. insanity on the black cat

What do you think ma’am? Can I take one of these titles for my thesis later? which one do you think is the best
Thanks you ma’am…

Anonymous said...

Mam,i want to say a big thank 4 ur guideline,,
hopefully I can work on my skripsi smoothly,

Unknown said...

1. Okonkwo" resistance in Chinua Achebe's Things fall apart.
actually I wanna exploe the cultural clash between "Igbo" and "Christian", but i don't know the appropriate term. so, i pick "resistance", is it OK ma'am??..

2. Okonkwo's hypocrisy in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.
after knowing Jung's theory, I interested to use it. so, can I use Jung's theory in exploring my second topic ma'am??..

you know well that I'm just like in the middle o nowhere..so please,show me the way ma'am..

thx billions..

BeTeWe..minal aidin wal faidzin.
met lebaran y ma'am..

Ahmad Rofiki..seminar "B"

Unknown said...

sori ma'am..
seminar "C"
your class..

yuu_beib said...

Ike aYu (062154234)

Ma'am, i have some titles in seminar class. I hope it also can be the title of my thesis,,,

1. Moral Unrest in The Reader by Benhard Schlink.

2.Sexuality abuse in he Reader by Benhard Schlink.

3. Hanna's secrets in The Reader by Benhard Schlink.

4.Some activisms in the Reader by Benhard Schlink.

Thank’s ma’am

Kahfi kaharuli said...

Good Morning,mom!
I am not sure yet what topic that i'll choose. I have 2 topics candidate,, I wanna employ Existencialism in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Note From Underground and Victor Hugo's the hunchback of notre dame..

I am still up in the air considering the relevant topics.

thank a lot mom!

Citra Eka said...

Ma'am, I have a topic for my literature thesis... .

Athena's Individuation Process in Paulo Coelho's The Witch of Portobello

Please give me your opinion, ma'am. Thank you...

fuad-almatin said...

good day mam
this is my title for thesis proposal. i do hope any suggestion for me in improvement of my title. may i be able to work it. i took from short story international.
"A Study of Pyschological Conflict and Its Influence on Main Character in Inez Dulas's Shanti, Simple, Sweet and Sinister"
M. Fuadul Matin 062154038

"Identity and Colonialism in Chinuaachebe's Things fall apart"
Hesthi Triyono 062154028


astri said...

nice to see u in this blog mam..
but well as what most of my friends say that they still confuse, and so do i mom..
well let me try first..
actually i want to give a title like this one
1. the used of gay slang in the broken heart club movie
but i still can't find the movie
2.conversation analysis between: men-his wife and men-his homo partner in the broke back mountain movie
and i need the guidance of u mom.
3.the power of journalist stereotype in news
in this title i don't know about the theory.
well that's all mom. and i hope it will be your consideration and it will help my work so i can graduate as soon as possible..
thanks for all (^_^)
Astri Purwantari
linguistic seminar

putri said...

mam...i'm Reni Dwi Jayanti Putri (062154238)sorry for being late submiting the tentative titles..
actually there are many things in my mind mam...so, i'm still confused..i don't know whether those are appropriate for title of thesis or not...here are those:
1. powerless of somebody in facing authority of The High Court of Chancery as seen in Charles Dicken's Bleak House
2. The great power of guilt influence Lady Dedlock's life as seen in Chrales Dickens' Bleak House
3. The Effect of denial of new culture in Okonko's leadership
4. the loyality of dedication approached by semiotic perspective in Achebe's Things fall apart

mam...i also have evr thought that i'll take one of topics you have given...white beauty standard approached by semiotic study in Tony morrison bluest eye..i also have had problem in this topic...i dont know whether those are correct or not...those are:
1. how"whiteness" is associated as meaning of beauty?
2.How"having blue eyes" indicate achievement of love and respect?
3. How significant icon of beuty influence somebody mindset?
that's all mam...sorry if what i have written too much...that's only what i'm thinking right now...so chaotic i think...

thanks a lot mam...

Tia Kyutz said...

Asslmkm wr. Wb.
Ma’am, I’d like to say Minal aidin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin.
Ma’am, at the end of last semester I got a plan to take The Bluest eye as my skripsi. Since some friends told me that there are quite big numbers of the last skripsi which take that novel as their theme, then I tried to turn at the other novel. I also have taken a look at the library, and I found some thesis with the bluest eye as its theme. actually i am reading the kite runner ma'am.
Surprisingly, you offered us those three interesting themes. I think I will go back at my first plan, because actually the bluest eye is the novel I understand better than the other. I want to take a theme which is related to self esteem ma’am, but unfortunately I have not found a specific title to submit. I will try to find it as soon as possible. Is there any chance for me ma’am?

NoE_beLLe said...

it's me Novita Rahmawati H_062154235
these are my tentative titles;
1. The Depression in kid of divorce found in The Sealed Letter by Emma Donoghue
2. The parenthood as seen in Charles Dickens'Great Expectations
3 The attempt to change social strata repressented by Pip in Charles Dickens'Great Expectations
thx a million N soRRy for being late maaM,,

Atika Smara said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Atika Smara said...

Good morning Mam,
I'm Atika Smara (062154205).
I have two themes in the same novel,

1. The Moral Value of Sara Fitzergald in Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper

2. Anna's Anger Management in Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper

I'm still confused which one I'd prefer choose, for me both of them are interseting to discuss.

What do you think the best for my thesis Mam?

Thank u so much

tiNche said...

Good day mam..
this is Kartika Nugrahani (062154222)
I would like to tell you about my thesis title,
"Child Abuse on Street Kid by Judy Westwater"
what do you think mam?
I think, I feel comfortable with this topic...


kun_dini said...

ass. Ma'am sorry for being late to submit my title for seminar. Actually I'm still confused about what I'm going to talk through this topic...but I will!

My title is...
An Analysis of relationship between Language and sign system as an announcement tool in Public service advertisement. the study of semiosis
Siti Ulfa Kundini (062154030)

and my friend's title..
yosia irawanti(062154035)
A study of slang used by the prisoners in "The longest yard" film

gandung.restiko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gandung.restiko said...

Nenny Putri

mam i have two themes in one novel, so i'm confuse about that,,

1. Sacrifice of anna in My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult novel

2. Sara Fitzgerald injustice of parenting in My sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

please help me maam...

gandung.restiko said...

ekyami tonik said...

mam...i needur guidance to my attentive topics. they are:

1. the survival of Anna in My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult

2. The powerful potency to be seen of Hassan in The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

can i apply my topics above mam?
i need ur answer soon,,thx

NoE_beLLe said...

I'm afni F (062154245)
No neeD to have longer comment, but I'm still in the middle of Screw up crossroad,, whehe
these are my tentative titles mam,
1. the self defence of little girl as seen in Sheila by Torey Hayden
2. the love psychology found in Rachel Gibson'I'm in no mood for love.
i really need uR hanD,,,

AiDE said...

mam I have decide what theme but still confuse about the novel.

I want to take racism theme in The Color Purple by alice walker novel.

is that good novel for racism??

thanks a lot mam

I hope you reply it

Ade Irawan k.

Unknown said...


1. How is Okonkwo's resistance toward Christianity depicted in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?
2. What is the factor causing Okonkwo commit resistance toward Christianity in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?

1. how is Okonkwo's hypocrisy depicted in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?
2. What is the factor of Okonkwo's hypocrisy in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?
3. How does Okonkwo's hypocrisy reflect failure Individuation in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart?

Unknown said...

research questions above belong to Ahmad Rofiki (062154036)

Miftahul Khasanah said...

Dear Mam,
Sorry for being late, I have some in mind after deciding to work on linguistics:
1. An analysis of Javanese puns with English-construction based.
2. Critical discourse analysis on Barack Husein Obama inauguration speech.
3. Semiotic Analysis on visit Indonesia 2008 logo.
4. A study of children differences on swearing frequency in two different society; fisherman and farmer village.
All of them may be less specific. for that, any suggestions are welcome. Thank You dear Mam....

Anonymous said...

mam, it's me DEWI RATNA NINGSIH (062154039) I'M SORRY for being late because i'm still confused with my topic skripsi. actually i have found the novel that i want to be explored and the novel is "THE SENATOR'S WIFE" by Sue Miller. in this novel there are three main theme such FRIENDSHIP, MARRIAGE and PARENTHOOD. So what topic that can be better to be choosen?? give me suggestion mam. if i choose one of them, for example FRIENDSHIP I'll try to sove these statement of the problems below
1. what kind of the friendship between Mery and Delia)
2. how does the friendship influences and changes their life?
so, what's your comment about my skripsi. this novel also contains feminism opinion, but i do not know to explore it. thanks mam.

Maria Ulfa Octavia SK said...

dear Mam...
it's me, Maria Ulfa OSK..062154001

firstly, so sorry for being late in submitting the title, because actually i want to take "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker novel for my analysis..but then i cannot find the specific and exact theme in my mind..im so uncomfortable with this novel..
fortunately, i just find the modern novel, "Ugly" by Constance Briscoe a few days ago..

I like this novel because it's containing psychology, parenthood, marriage, and communication..but im still confused about the exact title for it..
honestly, i really need your suggestion about it considering the theme of communication, parenthood and marriage that still blurring my mind, hehehe..
but im trying hard to make it easy and discuss it with you, Mam..

thank you then..
have a good day ^_^

Yopie AllBlue said...

Yopie Gandajaya(062154215)
mam, i'm still had one title stuck in my mind. but i don't know will it be suitable for my analysis

1."Will of Freedom from Toni Morrison's "A Mercy" Characters"

Dias Agata said...

Mam, I'd like to take a study about "The Reader" by Bernhard Schlink. I've read the novel and watched the film, I'd love to analyze about Hanna's illiteracy. Because in my opinion, the whole conflict in the novel is because of Hanna's illiteracy. And I've discussed with Pak Khoiri about the title for my thesis proposal. It is:
"Hanna's Illiteracy and Its Impact on Hanna's Personality Development in Bernhard Schlink's The Reader".
Mam, I hope I can get more suggestions from you to make the thesis proposal better, thank u very much Mam.

Rose said...

Mam, I’ve already made four different topics with the research questions for the preparation of seminar class and hopefully for the thesis also. Do you think which is the most suitable to approach? And I need to know, who is my advisor for the thesis to help me develop the topics?

Discourse Analysis of several ads at Jakarta Post Advertisement Column
Research Questions:
1.What are the contexts of language use in several ads at Jakarta Post Advertisement Column?
2.What are the intended meaning (Discourse Content) of the several ads above?
3.What marker which is used by the writer and the reader to attach the intended meaning of the several ads above?

Critical Discourse Analysis of Job Vacancy at the Jakarta Post Newspaper
Research Questions:
1. What makes the Job Vacancy text has the power to control the reader’s mind?
2.Is there any gender inequality and political assessment by looking at discourse content?
3.What is the significance of group domination which is mentioned on the text?
4.What is the implication of the text and the further extrinsic element in critical discourse analysis?

Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender at A Doll’s House play script
Research Questions:
1. Where is Nora place as a woman at A Doll’s House play script?
2.How power and dominance are worked at A Doll’s House play script?
3.What makes language and the pattern of talk become the evidences of the gender inequality?
4.What is the significance of differentiation on gender at A Doll’s House play script?

Communication using emoticon as the substitution of language
Research Questions:
1.Why emoticon is categorized as the language?
2.What is the intended meaning of the emoticon which can be approach by the sender and the receiver?
3.Is there any misunderstanding of the emoticon’s meaning between sender and receiver?

As you can see, I totally use linguistic approaches and I think you had already known about it in the class. Thank you.
Best Regards
Fenny Kusumawardani

zunfi lede said...

Zunfi A. Lede (062154230)

sorry for coming late ma'am..
i already submit my work 2 ya on a piece of paper.
i have no options to choose as i only decide one chapter 4 this assignment.
my chapter is....

"The Realization of Self-Actualization in Khaled Hosseini's THE KITE RUNNER"

then i choose these 2 point 4 statement of the problem. they are:
1. What kind of Self-Actualization is depicted in the novel?
2. ho is Self-Actualization depicted in the novel?

well, thank so ma'am...
have a nice day..

fuad-almatin said...

aslm. morning mam. this is my title for thesis proposal that i have changed before.
Self Deception in Arthur Miller's All My Sons
Statement of The Problem:
1. How is self deception depicted in the play?
2. What is the impact of self deception in Joe Keller's family?

Since i have checked in the library, i found 2 titles about All My Sons, it was worked before 2006, after that it's seldom to use it so that i use all my sons for the material. thanks.
M. Fuad 062154038

Johana Christie said...

Good noon Mam..
I'm Johana,
Actually,I still confused with my title for my thesis,
As what I've said to you that I've found a Swedish novel titled "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". I think I just interest with the main topic of that novel which is full of mystery. Therefore i want to take the case of murdering in this novel..
Perhaps, my title would be like this.."Sadism Depicted in Stieg Larsson's The Girl With The Dragon Tatto"
what do you think?
Since this novel is quite thick,so do you have another suggestion for the similar novel as mine?
It can be about murdering,adventure, and so on..
Tons of Thanks Mam..

Mooikite Sanctuary said...

still, I've trouble to choose the theory. I've choosen Mark Haddon's THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME. I wanna work with Christopher's autism. He lives in rules/patterns. but, he, finally, breaks it because of Wellington's death. this is about deconstruction... or maybe, yeah.. I'm still having trouble with this theory thing.

-Febrian Eka Aditya